To the family: One of our greatest honors is the privilege of serving you as you remember and celebrate your loved one during this time of loss, sorrow and grief. Thank you for the opportunity. Donald Alexander & Staff


  1. I love you dearly granddaddy Tom. I’m so glad we got to spend Valentine’s Day together last year. You will forever be in our hearts. Give grandma a kiss for me 😘💗

  2. Uncle Thomas,
    You have lived an amazing life for 90 years. Those who knew you best can truly say that your living was not in vain. Over the years, you gained the honorable reputation of being a faithful helper to others. *I especially love and appreciate you for being a constant, stabilizing force in the life of my Dad and your Brother, Isaac Jones. For that, I say, thank you! Now God has called you home from labor to reward. Rest well in the arms of the Lord Uncle Thomas. Rest well!

    Your Loving Niece,
    Kathy Smart Bethel

  3. Love you Grandpa Tom!! You will truly be missed. I thank the Most High that you was able to see my daughters a few times before the Lord God brung you home. They will will never forget you and we will neither!! Your grandson from College Park, Ga.

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